Innovative Brick Form Liner Catalog


Table of Contents ________________________________________________________________________ I. MBrick™ VersaLiner® -- Product Description and Specifications............................Pg. 3 A. Material Specifications 3 B. Brick Sizes and Patterns 4 C. Sheet Indexing 4 D. Re-use 5 E. Liner Storage 5 F. Brick Coursing – Liner Properties and Coursing 5 G. Adjust-A-Liner 5 H. Easy Liner Removal 6 I. Corner Methodology 6 II. Thin Brick..............................................................................................................................7 A. ASTM Standards 7 B. Thin Brick Color(s) 7 C. Storage of Thin Brick 8 III. Engineering and Designing the Brick Panel....................................................................8 A. Shop Drawings 8 B. Engineering Considerations 10 Pullout Tests, Prestress or Post Tensioning, Freeze thaw tests, Module openings, corners & quirk joints C. Designing with Brick 12 Quick reference, Avoiding sliver brick cuts D. Recesses 12 E. Brick Arches 13 F. Bounding Rustications 13 G. Integrating Multiple Patterns 14 H. Irregularity of Brick 14 I. Cracked and Tilted Brick 15 IV. Preparing Thin Brick for Installation................................................................................15 A. Blending Brick 15 B. Cutting Brick 15 C. Protective Coatings 16 1. Wax 2. Brick Release 3. Retarders D. Adhesive Coatings 17 E. Corner Brick 17 F. Undersized Brick 18 V. Installation...........................................................................................................................18 A. Installation Tools 18 B. Trimming Liners 18 C. Preparing the Form 18 D. Applying VersaLiner 19 E. Installing Thin Brick 20 Brick blending; Walking on brick; Pre-wetting brick F. Placing Concrete 21 Concrete placement; Self consolidating; Vibrating; Re-bar chairs; Slump G. Cleaning the Bricked Panel 22 Appendix A: VersaLiner Patterns Appendix B: Quick Installation Guide


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